Key Stage 5
Our secondary RE lessons are individually tailored in close consultation with school staff to ensure maximum relevance and enrichment to the theme being studied.
We can adapt the length of our lessons to suit your timetable.
Lessons available:
Miracles and the Person of Jesus
Bonhoeffer’s relevance to Christians today
“I’m a Christian, so what?” - a personal explanation of the content covered in Edexcel Paper 3 - Study of Religion: Christianity
Q&A sessions on specific topics
AQA A-Level History: Religious Conflict and the Church of England c1529-1570
If there is a topic that we do not cover, please ask us and we might be able to plan a session for you.
Lesson slide from “The Person of Jesus”
Lesson slide from “Bonhoeffer’s relevance to Christians”
Our lessons are available Tuesdays to Thursdays during term-time.