Key Stage 2
Our primary school lessons are based on the Key Questions in Bristol’s Awareness, Mystery and Meaning Syllabus for RE. Our lessons generally last about 1 hour and involve story telling, investigations, crafts, drama, small group activities and digging deeper through interactive forms of discussion.
Lessons available
Suitable for all of KS2:
How can Jesus inspire us?
How do Christians make moral choices?
Arts in Christianity: the symbolism of light
Prayer Workshop
Christmas: What’s all the fuss?
What’s the difference? Similarities and differences between Christian groups
Lower KEY STAGE 2:
The Life and Teachings of Jesus
Easter: What is the Easter story and how do Christians celebrate it?
Why is this story important? Why is the Bible important to Christians?
Introduction to the Trinity
If God is everywhere, why do Christians go to Church?
What do Christians say when life gets hard?
Easter: Why do Christians talk about Jesus’ death as a sacrifice?
Year 6 - Creation Vs Evolution - conflicting Christian views about the creation of the world
Our in-person lessons are available Tuesdays to Thursdays during term-time.