Key Stage 2

Our primary school lessons are based on the Key Questions in Bristol’s Awareness, Mystery and Meaning Syllabus for RE. Our lessons generally last about 1 hour and involve story telling, investigations, crafts, drama, small group activities and digging deeper through interactive forms of discussion. 

Lessons available

Suitable for all of KS2:

  • How can Jesus inspire us?

  • How do Christians make moral choices?

  • Arts in Christianity: the symbolism of light

  • Prayer Workshop

  • Christmas: What’s all the fuss?

  • What’s the difference? Similarities and differences between Christian groups

Lower KEY STAGE 2:

  • The Life and Teachings of Jesus

  • Easter: What is the Easter story and how do Christians celebrate it?

  • Why is this story important? Why is the Bible important to Christians?

  • Introduction to the Trinity


  • If God is everywhere, why do Christians go to Church?

  • What do Christians say when life gets hard?

  • Easter: Why do Christians talk about Jesus’ death as a sacrifice?

  • Year 6 - Creation Vs Evolution - conflicting Christian views about the creation of the world

Our in-person lessons are available Tuesdays to Thursdays during term-time.