Key Stage 1
Our primary school lessons are based on the Key Questions in Bristol’s Awareness, Mystery and Meaning Syllabus for RE. KS1 lessons generally last about 1 hour and many of them include an art and craft activity, an interactive story time and lots of class participation.
Lessons available:
Stories Jesus Told
Miracles of Jesus
Important People: Jesus
What a Wonderful World!
Naming Ceremonies
Special Places - What's A Church Like?
Easter workshop: the last supper
Year 1: What a Noisy Christmas!
Year 2: Follow That Star!
What’s a Church Like? Year 1 junk modeling
Early Years Foundational Stage
Our EYFS lessons last around 45 minutes and are very interactive. They often include storytelling through small world play and a craft activity or multiple short activities.
Lesson available:
Stories Jesus Told: The Lost Sheep
Busy, Busy Christmas
Special Places - What's A Church Like?
Our in-person lessons are available Tuesdays to Thursdays during term-time.